Django API Apps on Windows IIS

How to set up Windows Server IIS to serve Django 3.0.3(+) and Python 3.8

This is a guide on setting up Python/Django apps to run on a Windows server using IIS as the webserver. I'll go over the specifics below. We're starting things off with the following assumptions:

  1. Windows Server is installed somewhere and running with a static IP and domain name all set.
  2. Server SSL Certificate has already been provisioned and set up. (Optional but extremely recommended to run HTTPS)
  3. (not specifically necessary) any SSO setup/shibboleth stuff has already been set up. (This is if you want to leverage SSO login, etc.)
  4. Everything is running 64-bit architecture.
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Docker Infrastructure Project

Part one of [some number] of posts implementing a docker service architecture

I'm building a web infrastructure project that's based around the project verbose-equals-true (referred to as VET from now on), which sets out to create a set of services to support modern web apps, using several Docker based images to collect everything into separate concerns. I like the philosophy behind the project, and it looks well thought out, however, as things are always changing in this landscape and nobody has the same development environment, there's always going to be stumbling blocks. [Read More]

Maintaining Older Django and Python Projects

Notes on Legacy Software Maintenance and Building Workable Environments

I have been working on the backend for a project that I've written about {{previously–link}}. The established tools server that will be supporting my new React frontend app(s) will be using a backend built on Python 2.7 and Django 1.11, and thus I've had to remember how to get a development environment set up that will appropriately support the project running locally on my machine. I have a personal site that runs on the same version of Django, but with Python 3. [Read More]


A Solution for Tracking Repair Tasks

Repair Task Tracker RTT is a full stack app that addresses the needs of a computer hardware management process, allowing the tracking and resolution of issues/problems with the hardware, as well as the configuration and components of each major hardware item. RTT is meant to be a back-of-house tool, replacing paper tickets and spreadsheets. The goal of this project was to implement a GraphQL app, with useful data, allowing a seamless user experience as they operate through the app, and data is downloaded and uploaded in the background. [Read More]


A Solution for Tracking Brass Keys

The Keys App was my first major project that sought to solve a problem with managing key checkouts without requiring a cumbersome customer database / sign up form. This would target an institution that mostly catered to internal customers, such as a university's AV department and it's instructors. It largely replicates a paper-form-based system, with an added layer of data validation and control (emails, phone numbers must be in a valid format; keys can only be returned by their original owners; keys can't be checked out twice; etc. [Read More]

Python Tk UI Notes, Project Update

I've been making a lot of progress on the python-LEDSerialController project. There's been a lot to learn about how to run the original command line script with a GUI frontend. I chose to use Tk since it's baked into Python already, and there's nothing to configure to get it working. It doesn't look nearly as nice as something that would come out of using a more advanced UI toolkit, but it's also had a lower bar to entry, despite some drawbacks with Tk's documentation. [Read More]
python  gui  update