A Solution for Tracking Repair Tasks

Repair Task Tracker RTT is a full stack app that addresses the needs of a computer hardware management process, allowing the tracking and resolution of issues/problems with the hardware, as well as the configuration and components of each major hardware item. RTT is meant to be a back-of-house tool, replacing paper tickets and spreadsheets. The goal of this project was to implement a GraphQL app, with useful data, allowing a seamless user experience as they operate through the app, and data is downloaded and uploaded in the background. [Read More]


A Solution for Tracking Brass Keys

The Keys App was my first major project that sought to solve a problem with managing key checkouts without requiring a cumbersome customer database / sign up form. This would target an institution that mostly catered to internal customers, such as a university's AV department and it's instructors. It largely replicates a paper-form-based system, with an added layer of data validation and control (emails, phone numbers must be in a valid format; keys can only be returned by their original owners; keys can't be checked out twice; etc. [Read More]